Rebuild: Gangs of Deadsville Wiki
TechTree 2

The technology in Rebuild: Gangs of Deadsville at the early beta stage is still a work in progress, but already much more complex than the previous games. Rather than the three-path linear research, there are branches and instances where some require multiple prerequisites and a few are repeatable, making the labs and the engineers far more useful than the previous games.

Tier 1:[]

  • Zombie Vitals — This makes your survivors "10% more efficient in killing zombies".
    Prerequisite(s): None
  • Survivor Management — Allows you to see Survivor's happiness, relationships, and to talk to some survivors through events, allowing them to gain some perks.
    Prerequisite(s): None

Tier 2:[]

  • Basic Traps — Allows the building of zombie traps at workshops, which slowly kills all the zombies in one building. Place from the "Resources" screen.
    Prerequisite(s): Zombie Vitals
  • Zombie Avoidance — Decreases mission distance related danger by 25%.
    Prerequisite(s): Zombie Vitals
  • Watch Towers — Allows the upgrading of held buildings to have Watch Towers, boosting defense on the building the Watch tower is built in by 5, and surrounding held buildings by 2.5. NOTE: Unlike previous Rebuild, this does not replace the building with a tower, it is only an upgrade.
    Prerequisite(s): Construction
  • Generator Power — Increases workshop item crafting speed by 10%.
    Prerequisite(s): Construction
  • Signposts — Causes random events where survivors will ask to join your fort (frequency of occurrence needed).
    Prerequisite(s): Survivor Management
  • Improved Teaching — Increases skill gains from training at Schools by 25%.
    Prerequisite(s): Survivor Management

Tier 3:[]

  • Disease Vectors — Reduces likelihood of events resulting in survivors becoming infected (quantity/ percentage needed). Results in chance of survivors avoiding or taking precautions against activities that risk infection.
    Prerequisite(s): Zombie Avoidance
  • Anti-Zombie Armor — Increases defense against zombies by 25%.
    Prerequisite(s): Zombie Avoidance
  • Bunker Towers — Allows a second option for upgrading buildings alongside the original Watch Tower option, and provides even better defense, boosting defense on the building the Bunker Tower is built on by 10, and surrounding held buildings by 5. NOTE: This research does not automatically upgrade the existing Watch Towers, despite what the finished research message says. There is no decrease in required resources for building a better tower over another one.
    Prerequisite(s): Watch Towers
  • Fertilizer — +50 max food. Increases farm food output by 25%(numbers vary in different difficulties): Farm (one space) increased from 2 to 2.5, Pig Farm and Big Farm (two spaces) increased from 3 to 3.8, Huge Farm (four spaces) increased form 6 to 7.5.
    Prerequisite(s): Generator Power
  • Paramedic Training — Events or actions that would have resulted in death result in injury 10% of the time.
    Prerequisite(s): Improved Teaching
  • Improved Scouting — Reveals further when scouting (the selected building and all unscouted adjacent buildings). Very effective with 2 or 4 tiled buildings.The effect stacks with "See further" perk granted by named binoculars, to enable scouting of both adjacent and diagonal buildings.(scouting 9 blocks in total for one-tiled buildings(tested)
    Prerequisite(s): Improved Teaching

Tier 4:[]

  • Zombie Attractors (Bait) — Allows the building of zombie baits at workshops, which draws zombies from nearby buildings into the building the bait is placed on. Can draw zombie mob/roamers from several tiles away. (massed zombies untested) Bait placed next to a faction you are in war with has chance to cause said faction to lose a building.
    Prerequisite(s): Basic Traps
  • Improved Walls — Visually changes the walls to look sturdier, adds 2 base defense to all held buildings.
    Prerequisite(s): Bunker Towers
  • Irrigation — +50 max food. Prevents drought, Farm Blights events no longer occur.
    Prerequisite(s): Fertilizer
  • Searchlights — Increases frequency of survivors asking to join you (frequency of occurrence needed).
    Prerequisite(s): Generator Power & Signposts
  • Medkits and Medicine — Allows the crafting of Medicine and Medkits at workshops. Medkit can instantly heal surviors recovering from injury and is used in recruit and other events.
    Prerequisite(s): Paramedic Training

Tier 5:[]

  • Advanced Traps — Improves all current and future Zombie Traps to increase efficiency by killing zombies even faster. NOTE: The change is not apparent until it is placed in a building.
    Prerequisite(s): Zombie Attractors & Disease Vectors
  • Fort Silence — Decreases noise and light pollution coming out of the fort, decreasing zombies at the walls by 25%.
    Prerequisite(s): Anti-Zombie Armor
  • Advanced Construction — Increases speed when building and fortifying by 25%.
    Prerequisite(s): Bunker Towers
  • Fireworks — Allows the crafting of Fireworks at workshops, which boosts happiness by 20% in survivors that saw the fireworks (which survivors is unknown and may be random) while distracting zombies (effect and area of effect unknown, needs confirmation)(In my opinion, distraction of zombies only occur as an option when zombies attack your fort.)
    Prerequisite(s): Searchlights
  • Doctor Training — Events or actions that would have resulted in death result in injury 20% of the time.
    Prerequisite(s): Paramedic Training
  • Spotting Spies — Allows you to see saboteur units from other factions that target your fort.
    Prerequisite(s): Improved Scouting

Tier 6 :[]

  • Turret Towers — Allows a third option for upgrading buildings alongside the previous tower options, and provides the best defense, boosting defense on the building the Turret Tower is built in by 15, and surrounding held buildings by 7.5. NOTE: There is no decrease in required resources for building a better tower over another one.
    Prerequisite(s): Advanced Construction
  • Electrified Walls — Visually changes the walls to concrete barriers topped with electric lines, adds 1 base defense to all held buildings.
    Prerequisite(s): Improved Walls & Generator Power
  • Pesticides — +50 max food. Increases each active farmers output by 1 and prevents pest related farm events.
    Prerequisite(s): Irrigation
  • Preemptive Strikes — Makes it less dangerous for your survivor to attack mobs/attackers from other factions.
    Prerequisite(s): Spotting Spies
  • Antivenom (Removed early in Beta, but later made available again, presumably in Deluxe-only (though its available in mobile) — Campaign: Provides a guaranteed cure for any survivors that get bit. Quick Play: Reduces chance of death by zombie bite.)
    Prerequisite(s): Disease Vectors

Tier 7:[]

Tier 7 techs seem to have no upper limit of levels, tested to 200+.

  • Improved Defenses — Increases defense by 1% per level. Will repeat automatically after completion.(1% seems to mean 1 defence? Need confirmation.)
    Prerequisite(s): Fort Silence & Turret Towers
  • Improved Farms — Increases total food production by 1% per level. Will repeat automatically after completion.
    Prerequisite(s): Electrified Walls & Pesticides
  • Increased Skills — Increases gains in survivor skills by 1% per level. Will repeat automatically after completion.
    Prerequisite(s): Fireworks & Doctor Training