Every couple days on average, some kind of random event will happen. Important ones will pop up immediately, like those that require you to make a decision. Others will appear on the side menu so you can read them when you want to. Time is paused while reading an event.
Here is a full list of (non-combat) Event IDs that can be entered via the debug menu. Some will trigger an event popup, some require specific circumstances to happen, and others have no text associated with them and are used only as indicators that something has occurred.
(Description is written based only on my memory and can be wrong. "?" marked ones are especially inaccurate.)
(I didn't see salvage helicopter crash event in here, which may indicate this list is outdated or incomplete.)
- eventHappened
- zombieAttack
- zombieAttackMob
- colinDied
- survivorArrives
- bonusFood
- littlestHobo
- loner
- lonerStayed
- sawSign (+1 survivor, only happens after research is completed)
- sawSearchlight (+1 survivor, only happens after research is completed)
- dayLaborers
- nationalismSurvivorArrives (+1 survivor, Help anyone policy?)
- prioritySurvivorArrives (+1 survivor, "repopulate the world" policy?)
- materialsGift
- theEnemyOfMyEnemy
- frostypeg
- houseCall
- bigOne
- medicineStranger (Give the child 5? med and a survivor may come back later. Convince the child to stay +1 child(Lv4? leader))
- medicineStrangerGaveMedicine
- medicineStrangerReturn (+1 survivor +1 child)
- carrion
- carrionFinished
- foundRabbits (eat to +food but lose happiness)
- madmanAttack (need hospital or a survivor may die/get injured?)
- dogAttack (may +1 injury)
- illness (+1 injury)
- farmBlight (preventable by research)
- zombieBite (+1 death or gain immune perk)
- foodRots (-roughly 15 food?)
- zombiesSwarm
- diggingZombies (just plug up the exit(may lose buildings to zombies) or collapse tunnel(building may? become rubble))
- diggingZombiesFail
- diggingZombies2
- diggingZombiesCollapsed
- cloggedSewers (+scavenging time/danger? for 7 days?)
- fallingApart (3? materials or Lv7 builder to repair the wall. No repair may result in zombie breach?)
- fallingApartFail
- fallingApart2
- zombieHenHouse(mission don't progress for 1 day)?
- banshee (-happiness for ? days, can be stopped by killing indicated zombies)
- bansheeKilled (+1 named sword)
- banshee2
- slavers (pay 20 food ransom or indicated survivor may die)
- slaversAverted
- naturalDisaster (destroy random building)
- graveyardReplaced
- graveyardHaunted (+1 injury, happens after building houses? on graveyard)
- fireBad
- epidemic ( use 3? meds or bad things? happen)
- dangerousZed
- gangCrossfire(Choose one/no faction to help, +respect? )
- carBreakdown (happens when equipped with car, can ask factions for help at cost, or push it home with "danger" if Driver perk. last option will lose the car.)
- badVigilante (finds a random equiped non-vehicle, non-pet, non-child equipment to be stolen, and a hurtable colin eligible for the Rebellious "perk" to be the thief. Option 1 will get the equipment back, but injure the robbed colin with 1/2 chance, otherwise giving the theif the Rebellious perk. Option 2 will cause the item to be lost forever, and give -20 happiness. Option 3 will make a Leadership roll for the highest Leadership stat among your colins, out of 10. On success, the colin gets their item back. Failure has the same results as option 2.)
- badTrail
- badTrail2
- foodStarving
- starveDeath
- foodEvilCannibals
- starveWarn
- starveAutoeat
- foodCannibalism
- cannibalEatDead
- cannibalBadMeat
- cannibalStray
- cannibalDog
- cannibalCrazy
- cannibalGourmand
- cannibalRecruit
- starveInjury
- staveBadFood(typo?)
- foodDiane - Only available on first map with Dianne. You get 20 food no matter which of the four options you pick.
- traumatized (+1 injury, happens on random out-of-fort mission?)
- lonerReturned
- foundRabbits
- resourceAmmo
- resourceMedicineFaction
- hiddenDoor (3 different prompts with no difference in code. Opening the door has a 3/4 chance to give 5 food, 3 ammo and 2 medicine; the other 1/4 of the time, the square the door is on will be lost and 30 zombies will occupy the square.)
- distrust
- berries (Eating the berries seems to have no effect other than get sick? lvl 7+ engineer allows you to make 5 medicine from red berries)
- remember
- reclaimHiding
- lonerReturned
- dogSaves
- equipmentSaves
- fightOrFlight(Jump off the roof +1 injury, fighting zed gets +1 death or immune perk)
- placedAttractor
- puppies (requires 5 medicine. finds 2 random dogs owned by your fort to be the mom and dad. Option 1 will cost 2 medicine and give 2 Pomeranians (+2 leadership dogs). Option 2 will give only 1 Pomeranian.
- warnUnhappy
- suicide
- fightInjury
- deserter
- riots
- theft
- depression
- wantsToLeave
- gateBreakdown
- riotsAverted
- fightAverted
- needCityhall
- wedding (options: simple wedding, party(-10 food, +happiness?), don't marry(-happiness?))
- enemiesWillFightWarning (happens when enemies work together)
- enemiesFight (happens when enemies work together, +injury)
- growUp (children become survivor at age 14, late game growUp events grant higher level grown-ups?)
- reequippedGoat (unequipped child become equipped? Usually equipped to one of their parents)
- makeBabby (+1 baby?)
- makePreggers (Grant pregnant perk? to newly married wife)
- goatAbortion (need hospital? and Medkit? and ? )
- madeDevout
- mainFirstDate
- mainDating
- mainMarriage(+ happiness?)
- handouts
- deserterArrives
- needBuilder
- protectionMoney
- killingPayment
- killSquad (clears zombies out of a random building next to? your fort)
- mugged
- thatsMine(Happens when reclaiming a building adjacent to another faction. Refuse -10 respect, Convince(Lv8 leader), Hand over (the building becomes the faction's))
- factionDisaster
- factionWeaponize
- rottenExplode (Happens when attacking Rotten for the first time. Rotten reclaims/takes over all adjacent buildings.)
- factionMet
- factionSpawn
- factionAttack
- factionTrade
- factionTradeFail
- factionMissionAttack
- factionRottenEncountered (Don't attack Rotten.)
- factionDefeated(invite them to join us will +2 survivors with "former ......" perk)
- pigSellSubtle
- pigSellDubious
- pigSellObvious
- factionSkipSpawn
- factionMeet
- factionMeetTooSoon
- factionTradeUnit
- factionTradeGustav
- factionWar( respect becomes 0, war status)
- factionNeededResourceChanged
- factionNeededResourceSussed
- factionPeace (respect becomes 25?, war status disappear, soldiers and raiders disappear.)
- factionAllianceTithe
- factionAllianceCancelled
- factionCityhall
- factionCultPreach(-10 strength)
- factionMadeCultist
- factionSendUnit
- factionSpawnMerchant
- factionGrow
- factionTradeFort
- factionMeetWar
- factionAlliance
- factionAllianceFinished
- investigateRotten
- factionMissionHeadquarters
- factionShrink
- factionAllianceFailed
- judgmentWord
- judgmentGas (+respect if given 5 gas or has XXor in fort. -respect if refused)
- stmichaelsVandals
- stmichaelsDrink(+respect if has bar?)
- riffsChallenge
- governmentBlockade
- governmentBlockadeLifted
- governmentComandeering
- leetcrewQuestions(Doesn't seem to have effects?)
- leetcrewFPS (I've never lost the competition, +respect +resources)
- leetcrewCCG
- pigRunner
- pigBBQ
- pharmacistsSample
- pharmacistsProtest
- luddiesAngryTech
- pigCannibalPolicy
- dahliasSale
- dahliasRescue
- chosenMakeover
- chosenSuicide (Pretty obvious one)
- luddiesSabotage
- luddiesRebellion
- luddiesManure(trade for fertilizer, double farm production for 3/7 days depending on how much you buy.)
- rottenCutter
- rottenPromotion
- gustavLoan
- gustavCollect
- gustavGambler (Betting on black or red roll the same "dice", succeeding with a 6/10 chance. Jackpot rolls succeed with a 1/10 chance. Winning jack pot gives +50 resources and a random equipment from [X's Binoculars (binocularsks), Multitool (multitool), Pea Shooter (pistolks), X's Whip (whipks), Black Cat (kttenblack)]. You'll always win the ass out of them if you play for long enough.)
- gustavSpecialStock (A faction event that may happen if you're good with Gustav. The event will fail unless Gustav has 75+ respect with you, you've traded with Gustav at least 3 times, and Gustav is currently on a square that is not hidden by fog. Gustav now sells about 6 miniguns/ rocket launchers, 4 bulldogs and 4 armored trucks every time. Normal stuff may not appear in the trade menu.)
- gustavLove (requires 50+ respect and at least 1 of your colins to be a single male who is attracted to women (some colins are gay, it's a hidden perk). Pay 20 food +happiness. Leads to gustavLoveKathleen if you talk to Kathleen 4 times in total. You will not be able to talk to Kathleen if any of your colins is named "Kathleen", or if you already recruited her in this town. Paying has an effect on every colin: Devout colins will get -10 happiness. Other colins that are attracted to women will get 5 happiness. Each remaining colin has a 1/5 chance for -5 happiness.)
- gustavLoveKathleen (Talking to her leads to gustavKathleenLeave.)
- gustavKathleenLeave (Kathleen joins. +1 survivor, comes with Artist perk making her synergize very well with certain backgrounds.)
- gustavManWagon (requires 50+ respect and talking to Kathleen at least twice. Has the same happiness effects as gustavLove, except the requirement for 5 happiness is instead *not* being attracted to women.)
- gustavLoveKathleen (Talking to her leads to gustavKathleenLeave.)
- gustavWeemen (Not sure if this requires Map 1 or high Gustav respect or both) Attempting to sell the named female survivor results in them leaving the fort, taking 20 food with them and they will be listed as dead. Gustav will give you the flamethrower and 50 fuel for trying. You may also lose happiness.
- gustavCigarStart (3 missions to scavenge suburbs, two will give you resources, one will have cigar)
- gustavCigarEnd (keep cigar(+happiness), give him cigar(+respect))
- gustavBoris
- gustavVera
- gustavCircus (pay 20 food for the circus and save the tamer, a colin will be injured but the tamer will join your group. Paying 2 food may be the better choice, as it gives more happiness and a chance to not have anyone injured rescuing the tamer. Protest will decrease your Gustav respect by 1, but will allow gustavCircusRotten down the line.)
- gustavCircusProtest (the tag that appears in log when you protest the circus)
- gustavCircusRotten (must have met the Rotten and protested the circus during this town. Provides 10 food and 10 Rotten respect.)
- gustavCircusProtest (the tag that appears in log when you protest the circus)
- gustavMuscle (pay 10 food to clear zombies(normal zed, mobs, roamers ...) from a building or make a faction lose strength and the square without angering them.)
- governmentBlockadeSquare
- leetcrewCCGAgain
- pigBBQYes
- gustavLoanYes
- gustavLoanCollectDone
- gustavCigarEnabled
- judgmentWomenPolicy
- dahliasWomenPolicy
- luddiesAngryTechNo
- bathSaltsActive
- pharmacistsSampleNo
- pharmacistsSampleNo2
- pharmacistsDeal
- rottenReggie
- bathSaltsDiscount
- dahliasStash
- gustavLoanYesBig
- gustavTraps (just pick option 3. option 2 also works, but costs a book. both give 5 traps and the Advanced Traps tech if you are able to have it.)
- rottenGunfight
- rottenGunfightFinish
- waterTreatmentReclaimed(gives an engineering mission to fix water, leads to the event below)
- waterTreatmentFixed(gives a zombie killing mission in the water treatment park, leads to the event below)
- waterTreatmentWorking(+happiness)
- waterTreatmentHappy
- waterTreatmentNeeded
- powerPlantReclaimed(gives an engineering mission to fix power, leads to the event below)
- powerPlantFixed(gives an engineering mission to craft the part, leads to the event below)
- powerPlantPartMade(gives an engineering mission to fix power, leads to powerPlantWorking)
- powerPlantPartTrade(gives an engineering mission to fix power, leads to powerPlantWorking)
- powerPlantPartGot(gives an engineering mission to fix power, leads to powerPlantWorking)
- powerPlantWorking(+happiness)
- powerPlantHappy
- antivenomStart (according to the code, the square on which the antivenom is research should be "permasafe" and all colins assistning should gain the HIDDEN_UNHURTABLE perk, both for the entire duration of the research mission.)
- antivenomProgress
- antivenomProgressYes
- antivenomTrap
- antivenomDone
- waterBrokeAgain
- waterBrokeAgainFixed
- koolaidMeet
- koolaidNewChurch
- koolaidChurch
- koolaidCorpse
- koolaidParty
- koolaidChurchMissing
- koolaidDahlias
- koolaidMissionary
- koolaidBanned
- koolaidFifty
- koolaidObjections
- koolaidFeed
- koolaidSuicide
- policyCannibalism
- policyRations
- policyChosen
- policyAutoequip
- policyBabies
- policyWomen
- policyChurches
- policyVote
- policyStrangers
- policyPower
- policyLoudspeaker
- policyScavengerrisk
- policyAmmo
- policyDrugs(Banning drug stops its consumption, doesn't stop you from buying/ selling it)
- policyShower
- policyGuard
- policyExperiments
- policyPriority
- policyProperty
- policyWealth
- policyCrime
- policyNationalism
- policyGoats
- goatTrouble
- goatStarve
- goatHole
- goatHelp
- goatNightmares
- goatFind
- goatAdopt
- goatLeave
- preggersComplain
Recruiting Events[ | ]
Many recruiting events has no option to postpone. It is important to send high level(above 9 is ideal) leader to avoid bad outcomes. If you choose "take one only" options, the other one will usually be gone for good.
- recruitConvince (if they say "plans for the future" and "Will this be a nice place?", pick anything but Miltary. If they say "ultimate goal", pick anything but Utopia. If they say "plan to improve things", pick anything but Nostalgic.)
- recruitDeath
- recruitInjury
- recruitInjurySingle
- recruitFamily (+2 survivors, +3 children equipments. Can take only 1 adult(Lv7 leader))
- recruitNoRoom (No effect. Happens when there's no living space in fort.)
- recruitHostile (+1 survivor equipped with a gun. Lv5? leader to talk them down or danger? Can postpone.)
- recruitGoats
- recruitAnticannibals (+2? survivors, need Lv3? leader to lie if you've eaten people)
- recruitPicky (+1? survivors, need two of the following conditions or lie(Lv6 leader, gain rebellious perk?): bars, churches, running water, electricity.....)
- recruitSickly (+2 survivors. If Medkit isn't applied, +1 injury and gain sickly perk. Or Lv5 leader can leave the sick one behind )
- recruitSkill (+1 survivor. Choose one of the four professions for the survivor to become.)
- recruitFighting (The two survivors hate each other. Choose one survivor to recruit. Or recruit both(Lv4 leader))
- recruitBodyguard (+1 soldier, options: +1 leader/engineer/soldier(Lv5 leader)
- recruitFaction (+1/2? survivor options: 80+ respect / 25- strength of the said faction to recruit, or Lv6 leader to insult said faction(-5? respect). Cannot postpone.)
- recruitAwesome (+1 higher skill(Lv3+?) survivor, options: offer double ration, threaten?(Lv6? leader, -happiness?), seet talk(Lv 9 leader) ?
- recruitHidingFarm
Meet with...... events[ | ]
Schmooze events happens when you meet with another faction. They almost always has the refuse option which -respect, this will not be specifically stated again below. Also many events can be postponed if you need time to prepare, and the same event will almost always pop up again if you don't refuse them.
- greetAlly (The only event that can happen when meeting with an allied function, has no effect at all.)
- schmoozeRefuse
- schmoozeComeBack(No effect. The only event that can happen if there's no city hall in fort.)
- schmoozeMaterials (give10/5(Lv? leader?) materials, +respect +strength)
- schmoozeKissRing (Kiss their
assring or give some tongue(Lv7? leader, +6? respect)) - schmoozeZombies (gives a mission to kill zombie in a certain building.)
- schmoozeZombiesFinished (+respect +resource?)
- schmoozeFealty (?(+respect -happiness), or ? (+respect, need Lv8? leader))
- schmoozeFood (buy resources with 25/50 food, +respect +strength)?
- schmoozeWar (Declare war when meeting. Factions may offer some resource for peace. War is more likely to happen if this is done multiple times.)
- schmoozeTraps(give 5/1(Lv5 leader) traps)
- schmoozeBombs(give 3/6 bombs, +respect -strength and demolish some buildings around/inside? the faction.)
- schmoozeRecruit( Send one of the two guys to the faction to live with them. Basically the one sent will be counted as dead.)
- schmoozePolicy (change policy to match theirs'(-happiness) or debate(Lv8 leader, +respect?))
- schmoozePolicyAgreed
- schmoozePolicyArgued
- schmoozePriority (change priority to match theirs'(-happiness) or debate(Lv8 leader, +respect?))
- schmoozePriorityAgreed
- schmoozePriorityArgued
- schmoozeTithe
- schmoozeRescue (gives a 4? day mission on a random building. The mission event need to pay 20 food ransom? or suffer risk? or soldier skill?)
- schmoozeRescueFinished (after rescuing, we want him(Lv7? leader, +1 survivor with "former....." perk) or we saved him(+respect?))
- schmoozeBuild (gives a mission to send builder to their fort to build something. Required same time as normal building mission.)
- schmoozeBuildFinished (done the work(+ respect?), demand payment (+5 resources, +3 respect))
- schmoozeItem (give them one of the two equipment they want. If you don't have said equipment, you can get one and come back later or just refuse)
- schmoozeConference (send someone to gain "former......" perk)
- schmoozeTower (gives a mission to send builder to their fort to build tower. Required same time as normal building mission. Require watch tower tech.)
- schmoozeTowerFinished(+respect +strength, can choose better rewards if you have researched bunker tower. )
- schmoozeRiffsSoldiers (Half of your survivors are active soldiers or all survivors have 1+ defense skill)
- schmoozeRiffsSpar (depends? on defense skill, +8?respect and gain former Riffs or defense-related? skills )
- schmoozeJudgmentChurches (+respect if you have 10/5(Lv5? leader) churches in your fort. You can go off building churches and come back to talk)
- schmoozeJudgmentDevout
- schmoozeChosenCultists
- schmoozeChosen
- schmoozePigfarmersColin
- schmoozePigfarmersSell
- schmoozeLuddiesFarms
- schmoozeLuddiesLab (options: has no? labs in fort or debate?(Lv6? leader))
- schmoozeStmichaelsSchools (options: has no schools in fort or debate (Lv 7+ leader or Scholar in group) - for some reason, this event will always give the entire visiting group the Scholar perk!)
- schmoozeStmichaelsHappy (options: has 90% happiness or debate(Lv6 leader) )
- schmoozeStmichaelsGoat
- schmoozeRottenTech (Share a tech with Rotten, +respect +strength)
- schmoozeGovernmentAmmo (Give them ammo)
- schmoozeGovernmentRoads(do a 4? day mission or Lv 9 leader +0 respect?)
- schmoozeGovernmentRoadsFinished
- schmoozeDahliasHouses
- schmoozeDahliasWomen(Half of active soldiers are women? Other options?)
- schmoozeDahliasScavenge (Mission to scavenge a bank?/suburb?)
- schmoozeDahliasScavengeFinished (keep some(+happiness +resource +respect) give them all(++respect ++resource))
- schmoozeLeetcrewElectricity(have researched generators or fixed power)
- schmoozeLeetcrewEngineers(have 5 engineers or?)
- schmoozeLeetcrewRaid
- schmoozeLeetcrewRaidFinished (Option 1: +5 respect, +10 food. Option 2: +5 respect, +5 food, +5 fuel, +5 materials, +5 happiness, random equipment from [nailboard, pitchfork, wrench]. Both options also give a random equipment from [Terrible Comic (booknovelks), X's Binoculars (binocularsks), Named Science Book (bookks), Mirror Earth (booknovel)].)
- schmoozePharmacistsAddicts
- schmoozePharmacistsAnarchy
- schmoozeCourse (Chosen Ones event. Both options cost 10 food and make a random colin in your fort who is eligible for the Cultist perk into a Cultist. Option 1 gives +5 respect, while option 2 gives +7 respect and requires an existing Cultist in your fort; however, that existing Cultist will also gain the bad Intense Focus "perk".)
- hopeSchmooze
Perk events[ | ]
Perk events can only happen when someone has said perk. Many perks has no other effect other than granting the goddamn low possibility that these events can happen. Also, my speculation is that perks of the same type share a perk "cool down" and doesn't happen frequently even if many people have that perk.
- factionTradeNegotiator(Happens after a negotiator finish trading)(options: food/fuel/... (gain 1-5? resources) /Nah... (extra respect))
- perkPreacher (grant devout perk randomly to 1? survivor)
- perkEntertainer (+happiness for survivors working together)
- perkHoarder (+20? materials)
- perkGoodCook (+10? food)
- perkGreenThumb (+10-20? food)
- perkRedecorator (convert a useless building into a one of the nine buildings you can build(Can't be city hall))
- perkArtist (+happiness for self? when reclaiming)
- perkFirstAid
- perkBookworm (the research this survivor is doing may finish abruptly.)
- perkCrafter (+5? free items the survivor is crafting)
- perkDowner (-happiness for survivors working together)
- perkRebellious (take 5? days off)
- perkDriver (mission finishes abruptly)
- perkAddict
- perkAddictSteal
- perkAddictHero (lose? addict perk)
- perkFirstAid
Rare events[ | ]
Rare events are rarer than normal events by 10%. If your config.ini has ONLY_ALLOWED_EVENTS = "rare", only these events will fire; if it has any other (set) type, these events will never fire.
- measureOfCharacter (finds colin on a mission outside of the fort with non-0 Danger and without the Brave or Coward perk. The first option will give the colin Brave; the other 2 will give them Coward.)
- witnessMiracle (finds colin who is Guarding without Devout or Skeptic perk. Option 1 will give them Devout, the other will give Skeptic.)
- thornInPaw (requires food levels to not be at max. finds colin who is Hunting without Devout or Skeptic perk [seems like it should be Animal Lover/Allergic but it's not]. Option 1 has a 3/4 chance to give them Animal Lover, otherwise gives Allergic to Pets. Option 2 gives DifficultyManager.foodPerBody / 2 food.)
- ostracized (finds colin anywhere without Camper or Stinky perk. Option 1 gives them Camper with 3/4 chance, otherwise Stinky. Option 2 loses up to 5 happiness.)
- stopThief (finds an item that could be Raided and a colin without Double Rations or Half Rations perk. Option 1 gives them Half Rations with 3/4 chance, otherwise Double Rations. Option 2 causes you to lose the item as if traded?)
- quietTooQuiet (finds colin on a mission outside of fort that is not a Quest or Post, without the Ninja or Clumsy perks. Option 1 gives them Ninja with 3/4 chance, otherwise Clumsy and injured. Option 2 cancels the mission and resets its progress.)
- reallyBadDay (finds colin without Easygoing or Downer perk. Option 1 gives them Easygoing with 3/4 chance, otherwise Downer. Option 2 send them on vacation (like an injury but not and prefers houses to hospitals).)
- groupActivities (finds colin without Team Player or Loner perk, and a 2nd colin with a relationship to the 1st between -0.5 and 0.8. Option 1 gives the 1st colin Loner. Option 2 gives the 1st colin Team Player with 3/4 chance, otherwise each colin's relationship to the other is set to -0.5.)
- riggedTrial (finds random faction among the Riffs, Last Judgement, Government, Rotten, Dahlias, or Pharmacists whom you have met but not allied or destroyed and that you are not at war with, and a colin without the Tough or Pacifist perks. If the colin cannot be hurt, the event does not happen. Option 1 will injure the colin and give them Tough. Option 2 will give them Pacifist and you will gain 5 respect with the faction. Option 3 will give 5 respect with the faction, but is not a choice if their existing Respect was below 75%.)
- hobbyCar (finds colin without Driver or Scholar perks. Option 1 will give them 10 happiness and, if you have a Workshop in your fort, the Driver perk and a new Car. Option 2 will give you 3 materials and the colin -10 happiness and the Scholar perk.)
- badDreams (finds colin without Light Sleeper or Eccentric perks. Option 1 will give them 10 happiness and Eccentric. Option 2 will cost you 2 medicine. Option 3 will give them -10 happiness and the Light Sleeper perk.)
- expertTeacher (Gustav will offer training. picks random Skill type, and 3 colins with that assigned Job type who are eligible for a Perk of that type. Training will cost 20/foodValue of a random non-disposable resource, and will allow you to choose one of the 3 colins. The chosen colin will gain +1 level in their Job (if not maxed) and a random Perk from their Job type that they are eligible for.)
- evilDarkness (Option 1 makes a roll of the group's "Soldiering" skill out of 10 (TBD: what group?). if it succeeds, you will get the Handle with Care equipment if you have Deluxe, or a normal chainsaw if you do not. If it fails, you lose 10 happiness. Is a "singleton" event, meaning that it can occur only once per town.)
- everyoneGone (+5 happiness)
- badRescue (picks a random non-Quest mission with only 1 colin, not in any fort, and with non-0 danger. If the colin cannot be killed or has an npcValue set, does nothing. Otherwise, it "kills" the colin and generates a Quest on the mission's tile to rescue them.)
- badRescueFinish (triggered by the end of the Rescue mission. Option 1: if the colin has the Immune perk or with 1/2 chance, the colin is added back to the fort and given the Immune perk if they do not already have it. Option 2: nothing happens.
Plot events[ | ]
The events below are plot line events. Completing plot lines may lead to a better ending and/or grant your leader a unique perk. See also: campaign mode.
General advice: Talk to all factions first before attacking anyone. Don't attack the ones that seems to have a quest line involved. Don't choose dumb options.
In Wenatchee lies one part of the cure:
- fatherStart
- fatherEnd
- fatherRufus
- fatherLuddiesAgain
- fatherGotLudd
- fatherRufusAgain
- fatherInvestigate
- fatherInvestigateDoor
- fatherLaptop
- fatherStarving
- fatherSupplies
- fatherLuddiesTeach
- fatherTeachLater
- fatherDisaster
- fatherWillFight
- fatherAdopted
- fatherDestroyed
- fatherFight
- fatherFightExpired
- fatherDenoument
- fatherStray
- fatherReward
In cities with church of the chosen ones?
- cultIntroduce(forcibly change a survivor into cultist?)
- cultPamphlet
- cultMissionary
- cultPolicy
- cultChurch
- cultSendMissionary
- cultWin
In Moses Lake:
- gangsRiffsStart
- gangsJudgmentStart
- gangsRiffsHelp
- gangsRiffsPlan
- gangsRiffsRefuse
- gangsRiffsHelp2
- gangsJudgmentHelp
- gangsJudgmentRefuse
- gangsJudgmentPlan
- gangsRefusal
- gangsMall
- gangsRiffsReady
- gangsJudgmentReady
- gangsChoice
- gangsRiffsAttacked
- gangsJudgmentAttacked
- gangsInterruption
- gangsFled
- gangsStayed
- gangsShowdown
- gangsReward
- gangwarEnd
Winning conditions?
- winHalfway
- winAlmost
- winReclaimed
- winBuiltCityhall
- winHappy
- winUnhappy
- winWar
- winLeader
- winGovernmentDone
- winLeaderOkayed
- winUnhappy
- winQuestions
- winQuestionsStart
- winQuestionsDone
- winType
- winTypeDone
- winLeave
- winEnd
- winCanBuildCityhall
- winFactionsDone
- winShowWinTime
Nelson quest line:
- farmersIntro
- farmersTruckSpotting
- farmersMissing
- farmersLuddies1
- farmersCult
- farmersFarmers
- farmersCanSneakIntoBase
- farmersSneak
- farmersStable
- farmersHouse
- farmersPigbarn
- farmersSlaughterhouse
- farmersDiscovery
- farmersAgreement
- farmersFight
- farmersMistake
- farmersEnd
- farmersNopigs
- farmersTookPigs
- farmersReward
The Riff's fort becomes your's when this is completed. Take place in Chilliwack.
- newyorkVisit
- newyorkMessenger
- newyorkBackstory
- newyorkOffence
- newyorkOffencePartial
- newyorkScavenge
- newyorkScavengePartial
- newyorkScience
- newyorkSciencePartial
- newyorkBuild
- newyorkBuildPartial
- newyorkLeadership
- newyorkLeadershipPartial
- newyorkLeave
- newyorkEnd
- newyorkReward
In Pentiction. Grants European data dump:
- interwebsIntro
- interwebsTower
- interwebsLetter
- interwebsLeetcrew
- interwebsAndy
- interwebsAndySuccess
- interwebsMalware
- interwebsInstall
- interwebsInstallSuccess
- interwebsInstallThreaten
- interwebsAndyJoin
- interwebsDenied
- interwebsHouse
- interwebsReport
- interwebsReportBlameCrew
- interwebsDisconnect
- interwebsDisconnectAndyJoin
- interwebsAnalyze
- interwebsEnd
- interwebsEndBlameCrew
- interwebsEndCoup
- interwebsDeathstar
- interwebsCoup
- interwebsReward
- interwebsEndEnd
Spokane quest line.
- superCapturedZed
- superRunner
- superJesse
- superVisit
- superChoice
- superShiona
- superVisit2
- superChucksPlace
- superFreedom
- superRottenEnd
- superRottenEndCondemned
- superDavis
- superDavisWill
- superDavisWont
- superKidnap
- superHunt1
- superHunt2
- superHunt3
- superGovernmentReward
- superForcedFreedom
- superForcedFreedomKidnap
- superEnd
- superReward
Below are the events for Mason of the LJ gang. Take place in Kelowna.
- sonIntro
- sonGustav
- sonHospital
- sonFistfight
- sonStowaway
- sonDahlias
- sonDahliasHelp
- sonDestroy (if you destroy the last judgement without the Dahlias help, Option 1 will recruit Mason Moon and Erica Lee as well!)
- sonEnd
- sonStowawayTurnIn
- sonStowawaySneak
- sonTooLate
- sonReward
"Airplane" events happen in Trail:
- airplaneScoutFarm
- airplaneReclaimFarm
- airplaneWorkshop
- airplaneRetrofit
- airplanePilotHunt
- airplanePilotFound
- airplaneWeaponCache
- airplaneWeaponCacheKept
- airplaneWeaponCacheTraded
- airplaneWeaponsKept
- airplaneWeaponCacheTrade
- airplaneKidnapping (Option 1: +Meg Jayanth, + Rob Jayanth (her scavenger husband) and child, Option 2: +Meg (-50 happiness))
- airplanePilotObtained
- airplanePilotDeath
- airplaneGustavInfo
- airplanePilotBooks
- airplanePilotTaught
- airplaneThreaten
- airplaneOffer
- airplanePlead
- airplaneTryToGetOnPlane
- airplaneTakeOff
- airplaneGustavAdvice
- airplaneEnd
"villain" events happen in Castlegar.
- villainClever
- villainTools
- villainRotten
- villainGustav(Gustav will inevitably leave this city forever.)
- villainSighting
- villainMart
- villainRottenClark
- villainThirdTry
- villainOverrun
- villainBase
- villainHall
- villainRant
- villainRottenHelp
- villainRottenHelpAgreed
- villainOverrunAgain
- villainHeadquarters
- villainFoundGraveyard
- villainLastStand
- villainEnd
"Origin" events are related to the infamous monkey blood. Seeing the page for details is heavily advised if you want to reach a good ending.
- originStartingEventsDone
- originStartingEventsHalfDone
- originCricketTrade
- originMall
- originMallPetStore
- originSchmooze
- originSchmoozeGotBook
- originMob
- originMobNewspaper
- originJoin
- originInfection
- originLeave
- originMotel
- originHospital
- originSchool
- originStart
- originEnd
"Hope" events happen, well, pretty obviously, in Hope.
- hopeEscape
- hopeHymanDead
- hopeLabFound
- hopeQuestions
- hopeBillocide1
- hopeBillocide2
- hopeBillocide3(Yep, there's that many people waiting to kill Bill. Don't send him ANYWHERE outside of fort.)
- hopeKilledNinja
- hopeCultist
- hopeChosenIntro
- hopeRottenIntro
- hopeFound
- hopeCanEnter
- hopeEnter
- hopeRottenHelp
- hopeRottenHelpAgree
- hopeRottenAttack
- hopeLiberated
- hopeClear
- hopeWhy
- hopeKoolaid
- hopeExplode
- hopeGaveRottenCure
- hopeIntro
- hopeAllies
- hopeChosenDestroyed
- hopeEnd
"Cure" events happen in Abbotsford.
- cureRadioStart
- cureRadioRotten
- cureMeetPharmacists
- cureAdmitWeHaveCure
- cureDeal
- cureSoldSalts1
- cureSoldSalts2
- cureSoldSalts3
- cureFirstDealFaction
- cureSoldSaltsFaction
- cureRadioSalts
- cureReturnPharmacists
- cureReadyToPrepareLab
- curePrepared
- cureRumor
- cureRumorFaction
- cureRotten
- cureVolunteer
- cureAlliance
- cureDefeat
- cureRadioResearch
- cureExtract(Need one guy with immune to sacrifice, volunteering yourself makes you lose 2-3 skill levels.)
- cureRottenDie
- cureRadioLeave
- cureResearched
- cureIntro
- cureEnd
"Van" events happen in Vancouver. You gain 1 symptom level every 25 days.
- vanIntro (Day 1, makes Antivenom and Cure researches available, sets "Distribute cure" goal.)
- vanDemand (Day 7+, reoccurs every 7-10 days at random? options: give 10 cure / give 10 cure and get some resources / give 10 cure and form alliance(Lv10 leader) / refuse (war is declared))
- vanPharmacistsWarn (Day 25+, no effects)
- vanVillain (Day 25+, picks a hurtable colin (one with a gun if any have one). Only option leads to options: injure the colin / nothing (colin must have gun).)
- vanGovernmentWarn (Day 35+. the options resemble vanDemand, but none of them do anything.)
- vanGovernment (Day 50+. enables the following:)
- vanSoldiers (Happens on attacking government when their strength falls to 50 or below. Spawns 5 roaming zombies (in the wilderness). Picks a "doomed colin" to die no matter what. Options: +30(fight)/40(run) government strength.)
- vanDavis (Happens on attacking government when they have 10 or less squares remaining. Enables vanJesse. Options: Escape (vanNuke becomes available) / Surrender (vanSurrendered).)
- vanNuke (the completion of the Nuke mission. leads to either vanNuked or vanSurrendered.)
- vanNuked (One of the three bad ends. Happens after the nuking mission.)
- vanSurrendered (One of the three bad ends.)
- vanJesse (hand all three researches to him (even if you already did so in Abbotsford) to reach the good end.)
- vanJesseStudy (This appearing basically ensures good end. Don't trigger any bad end and you'll be good.)
- vanStudyFinish
- vanOmegaCured
- vanGovernmentPeace
- vanOmegaCured
- vanStudyFinish
- vanJesseStudy (This appearing basically ensures good end. Don't trigger any bad end and you'll be good.)
- vanNuke (the completion of the Nuke mission. leads to either vanNuked or vanSurrendered.)
- vanRandomMadness (Day 55+, reoccurs every 5-7 days at random? If symptomLevel 4+ and the leader does not have permanent zombie skin, does vanBecomeRotten on your leader. Otherwise calls the next one the following that hasn't happened yet. After all have happened, does one at random.)
- vanSanity (4 options. No effects.)
- vanBecomeRotten (Picks a colin without No Rations perk, or leader if symptomLevel 4+ and the leader does not have permanent zombie skin yet. Does nothing if picked colin already has zombie skin or if they *don't* have the Omega perk (I believe this is a bug, since this is the only source of the Omega perk that I can find). Otherwise, gives the colin the No Rations perk, the Omega perk, and zombie skin.)
- vanDestroy (picks last met, unallied faction on the map (other than Government or Gustav) with a raw strength of 15+. Finds first tile of the faction on their fort's edge. The faction loses possession of it and up to 2 of its neighbors on the fort's edge (which are additionally turned to rubble). The faction loses 15 strength and goes to war with you.)
- vanFaction (picks a random faction that did vanDemand. They have a random tile and all adjacent tiles turned to rubble, and lose 20 strength.)
- vanMurder (a random killable colin blacks out and comes home with 5 explosives, medkits, traps, or fireworks. Options: -30 happiness / +10 happiness / exile (kill) the colin.
- vanStrength (picks 2 random perks from the following: [Fighter, Fast Recovery, Superhero, Fearless Reclaim]. Picks a random colin with zombie skin color who is eligible for both chosen perks. If none exists, only vanStrength is logged, and nothing pops up. Otherwise, the colin gains both perks, and both vanRandomMadness and vanStrength are logged.)
- vanRaid (picks a killable colin with zombie skin color. Option 1: injures the colin with 1/2 chance. Option 2: costs 30 food. Option 3: colin dies.)
- vanLate (One of the three bad ends. Happens after defeating the Government.)
- vanEnd
Miscellaneous events:
- instantScout
- instantClear
- combatEasyWinZed
- combatEasyWinFaction
- combatUndefendedLossZed
- combatUndefendedLossFactionAttack
- combatUndefendedLossFactionRaid
- zombieUnitSpawned
- zombieSpawnedDangerous
- mobSpawned
- mobSpotted
- mobCancelledMission
- mobBesideFort
- zombieSuperSpawned
- zombieAttackSupermob