Every survivor has a story of who they were before the plague, or of something that happened before you met them. They reveal it to you in three parts as they gain levels in skills, assuming that you performed Research in a Laboratory to gain Survivor Management; otherwise, the backstory is not available. These three parts become available (unless changed by config) when they reach total skill levels 4, 7, and 10. A speech bubble appears to indicate that a survivor is ready to talk. After reading the next part of their backstory, you get to pick a new perk for them. Which ones you can choose from are dependent on the survivor's currently-active skill and elements from the backstory. Before the first perk is chosen, renaming the survivor can randomize the backstory in a way not understood.
How Perk options are selected[ | ]
Each backstory has perks that are associated with that backstory. In most (but not all) cases, the three choices of perks available in the first stage consist of one perk from the backstory and two perks from the currently-active skill. If a non-backstory perk is chosen in a given stage, then the backstory perk that was skipped will be retained as an option to be chosen in the next stage alongside whatever new perk is associated with the backstory in the new stage. For example, the three perks associated with Diane Moon (the tutorial narrator in Snoqualmie in Story Mode) are Tough, Born Leader, and Defenses Expert. But, Diane Moon also starts off as a Soldier. Assuming that the player doesn't assign Diane Moon to change her active skill in a School, then when the first stage of Diane Moon's story is presented, the choices might look like:
- Tough
- Firearms Training
- Melee Training
"Tough" comes from the first stage of her backstory. "Firearms Training" and "Melee Training" come from the fact that her currently-active skill is Soldier. If you select Firearms Training and then get to the second stage of Diane's story, the choices might look like:
- Tough
- Born Leader
- Melee Training
Note that the Tough perk option still lingers and takes up a valuable space since it's part of the story. It is necessary to eliminate backstory perks in order to get advanced perks.
Skill-Related Perks[ | ]
Each skill has three basic perks as well as one or more advanced perks. The basic perks can appear as options at any stage of a survivor's backstory. The advanced perks, however, can only appear as options at the second or sometimes third stage of a backstory; they also require additional conditions to be met, meaning that they will only appear for certain backstories, and only if certain combinations of other perks were selected in the earlier stages.
Note: equipping items in [ ] can eliminate the perk from the three options, giving the space for advanced perks to appear.
- Builder:
- Basic: Artist, Redecorator, Tools Expert
- Advanced: Defenses Expert (stage 3), Fearless Reclaim (stage 3)
- Engineer:
- Basic: Bookworm, Crafter, First Aid [Named Doctor's Bags]
- Macgyver [Feynman's Lectures (deluxe-only)] (stage 2+)
- Leader:
- Musician [Note's Guitar (deluxe-only)], Negotiator, Preacher
- Peacekeeper (stage 2+)
- Scavenger:
- Basic: Good Cook, Green Thumb [Pea Shooter/Pitchfork], Hoarder
- Advanced: Hunter [Hunting Rifle, etc] (stage 2+), Scrapper (stage 3)
- Soldier:
- Basic: Firearms Training, Melee Training, Hand to Hand Combat
- Advanced: Commander (stage 3)
There are also 5 backstory-only perks that add 3 to a certain skill. They are all Stage 2+. They are:
- Handyman, Genius, Born Leader, Resourceful, Fighter
Skill-agnostic perks that are all Stage 3:
- Superhero
List of Backstories[ | ]
The remainder of this article contains a spoiler guide for the various backstories found in Rebuild 3. Each backstory entry begins with the id number (from code), followed by the id string (from code) in parentheses, followed by the first line in the first stage of the backstory and (in some cases) some more memorable keywords. This is then followed by the list of perks associated with each stage of that backstory, in order.
Any notation in (parentheses) before the quote indicates any special conditions that apply to the backstory that aren’t already implied in the categorization.
“(none)” as a perk entry means that the given stage of the backstory does not have any associated perks introduced at that stage. When this happens, it’s usually in the first stage of a backstory, so in such cases all three perk choices are taken from the survivor’s currently-active skill.
“(Perk A/Perk B)” as a perk entry means that the given stage of the backstory introduces two perk choices at once. It’s not uncommon for this to happen in a backstory where the first stage has a “(none)” and the third stage is not a “(none)”, so it’s impossible for such survivors to grab all three perks associated with the backstory (assuming that the player would desire such a thing in the first place).
Each backstory is coded as a list of exactly 2 or 3 perks. The complications like (none) and dual-perks arise when the perk's position in the list is incompatible with it's Stage: for example, a backstory of (Fighter, X, Y) would present as (none), (Fighter/X), Y since Fighter is a Stage 2+ perk. Because of the ordering of the list, X cannot be offered until Fighter is, while Y is offered on Stage 3 as normal.
Bear in mind the following when trying to determine the perks associated with a backstory:
- Perks associated with a backstory usually have a thematic connection to the story text, so it’s worth actually reading the story and trying to think about it when in doubt. “Musician” tends to show up on backstories related to entertainers; “Devout” on backstories related to religion, “Animal Lover” on backstories related to animals, and so on.
- Some survivors start off with perks before you even talk to them, then their backstory is randomly selected afterwards. Some perks conflict (presumably because something in the data definitions for perks says “Perk A and Perk B may never coexist”) and a perk will never be shown as an option if it conflicts with a pre-existing perk. For example, if a survivor started off with “Devout”, then “Skeptic” will never be presented as a choice, even if the backstory normally prescribes it as a choice.
- A perk will never be presented as a choice if that perk is already present, even if the perk is present only because of an equipped item. So, a survivor that has a Pitchfork non-weapon item equipped (and thus gains Green Thumb from the Pitchfork) will never be presented with Green Thumb as a perk choice even if their backstory normally prescribes Green Thumb as an option. This also happens with First Aid and Walter’s Go Bag.
- Some perks that are associated with a class are also associated with a backstory. So, if a backstory occurs on a character of the corresponding class, it can be difficult to determine if the perk option is coming from the backstory or the class. Generally, when the player is presented with the choices, all backstory-associated perks are listed before all class-associated perks.
- Inversely, if a class-contradictory perk is presented as an option, then it is definitely associated with the backstory. For example, “Firearms Training” as an option on a Scavenger or Leader is certainly associated with the backstory.
Some perks makes the colin inelligible for other perks under most circumstances (items and certain events will force them). Using this fact, if an undesired perk option appeared, if the survivor somehow gained the perk or a mutually-exclusive perk (through events or equipment), the undesired option would disappear. Mutually-exclusive perks, confirmed by code, are:
- Brave/Coward
- Devout & Preacher/Skeptic
- Skeptic/Cultist
- No Rations/Half Rations/Double Rations
And here's a list of perks that seem like they might be mutually-exclusive, but aren't:
- Animal Lover/Allergic to Pets
- Loner/Team Player[1]
- Tough/Friendly
- Downer/Musician
It is also worth noting that Backstories CAN change.
To the best of my knowledge they never change once "accepted", but before you pick the survivors first perk their backstory CAN change. I've observed, albeit rarely, such a change on survivors who were left without their first perk for a very long time, but I cannot confirm if time is all it takes for a backstory to change "on it's own".
Another source of backstory change is character renaming. If you don't like the backstory of a character you can just cancel out of the perk choice and rename them, you can keep doing it until you get the one you like.
Special Backstories[ | ]
These backstories only occur under special conditions.
(Diane Moon only; Story Mode) 102 (Diane) - “You want to know more about me? ... I was a cop. In Seattle.”
- Tough, Born Leader, Defenses Expert
(Bill Hyman only; Story Mode) 101 (Hyman) - “Gosh I miss my cabin.”
- Camper, Loner, Immune
- additionally, he cannot become Cultist, the event hopeEscape will give him one of: Tough, Double Rations, Fast Recovery, and another event will give him a story-related perk.
(Gretchen only; Story Mode) 105 ([HerLastNameInCamelCase]) - “I do not feel comfortable talking about myself...”
- Loner, Eccentric, Intense Focus
General Backstories[ | ]
These backstories can occur on almost any survivor that you recruit to your fortress.
1 (AmateurActor) - “Back before all this, by day I was just your average working stiff. ... Scarlet Pimpernel”
- Musician, Negotiator, Fighter - 3rd perk may be Scrapper if Scavenger)
2 (InternetReviewer) - “Me? Back in the day I used to make little review shows for the internet.”
- Musician, Resourceful, Firearms Training
4 (Sculptor) - “Bah. I can’t stand these cramped quarters.”
- Loner, Artist, Handyman
6 (Lizards) - “That’s a good boy Gerry.”
- Animal Lover, Fast Recovery, Resourceful
10 (ParkRanger) - “I’m not sure why I came back into town. I was a Park Ranger,”
- Camper, Loner, Tough
12 (WaterPark) - “Dude, is there any way we can get an industrial pump?”
- Easygoing, (none), (Defenses Expert/Handyman) - coded as (Easygoing, Defenses Expert, Handyman)
- Can get MacGyver as second perk
14 (Larper) - “Hail and good morrow, Sire!”
- Eccentric, Fighter, Intense Focus
16 (Fled) - “Sorry if I have bit of an accent.”
- Green Thumb, Good Cook, Resourceful - easy Scrapper
17 (Receptionist) - “Back when the world made sense, ... Spine, Torque, and Fail law firm”
- Bookworm, Fighter, MacGyver
19 (Super) - “Greetings citizen. I am just a nondescript, mild-mannered individual....”
- Loner, Brave, Superhero
21 (Haberdasher) - “Me? I come from a long line of haberdashers.”
- (none), (Handyman/Negotiator), Brave - coded as (Handyman, Negotiator, Brave)
25 (SteampunkSinger) - “Hello my child. Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. ... Clockwork Cabaret”
- Musician, Eccentric, Born Leader
28 (Librarian) - “I used to take care of the children’s section of the main library in our hometown.”
- Bookworm, Scholar, Genius
29 (Nurse) - “I was a nurse in one of the first hospitals hit by the outbreak here.”
- First Aid, Fast Recovery, Resourceful
30 (Oceanographer) - “I’m a scientist! An oceanographer, to be specific.”
- Bookworm, Skeptic, Genius
- Can get Fearless Reclaim with bookworm & skeptic
31 (FlowerSeller) - “Before the outbreak... I struggled to survive, just like now. ... Mostly lavender.”
- Green Thumb, Camper, Stinky
32 (Crafter) - “Hello there dear. You look cold.”
- Crafter, Handyman, Redecorator - also Fearless Reclaim(*) as 3rd if first 2 perks are chosen and builder (TODO: explain why/how?)
- (*) Engineer (who also can Pilot a plane) from Government in Pentiction map (obtained after helping 1337crew gain access to Government network) start with Crafter as one of his perk. Since Crafter is eliminated at the start, you can choose to learn Tools Expert and Handyman, and because 1st and 2nd perks of the backstory is already selected Fearless Reclaim will shown as a 3rd perk option.
33 (BuildingInspector) - “Yeah, yeah. Be friendly. Polite. ... I used to be a building inspector for one of the local municipalities.”
- Tough, Redecorator, Fighter
- Can always get Fearless Reclaim as long as colin has tough, if already have tough, can get any level 1 job perk, can always get any level 2 job perk, e.g. MacGuyver, there is no particular explanation, its just the sorting of perks always display Fearless Reclaim after tough is taken
34 (WantsAPony) - “Oh... hi! You know, it kinda sucks that we don’t have any horses.”
- Animal Lover, Coward, Intense Focus
35 (Entomologist) - “I’m an entomologist, don’t you know?”
- Scholar, Stinky, Intense Focus
- can always get Fearless Reclaim if scholar & stinky
36 (Photographer) - “Did you know I used to be a war photographer?”
- Brave, Artist, Fighter
38 (Homebody) - “Why hello there. ... I serve the Lord and my husband as best I can.”
- Devout, Pacifist, Peacekeeper
39 (Prodigy) - “Yes, what is it? ... Valedictorian.”
- (none), Genius, (Superhero/Loner) - coded as (Genius, Superhero, Loner)
40 (Homeless) - “Hey bud, yah got a nickel?”
- Camper, Half Rations, Resourceful - can get Scrapper as 3rd perk by picking first 2 perks and being a Scavenger but not having Hunter
51 (SeedBomber) - “This place isn’t bad. Needs more greenery.”
- Pacifist, Ninja, Green Thumb - Scrapper can be easier to achieve on this backstory. Maybe even Fearless Reclaim?
- Fearless Reclaim is available if already pacifist
52 (LighthouseKeeper) - “*Yawns* What time is it? ... zed incessantly clawing at the walls.”
- Loner, Hoarder, Light Sleeper - as with all Scavenger perk backgrounds, Scrapper is easy to get instead on 3rd perk
53 (HealthCare) - “Eh there squire. ... I was a health care worker.”
- First Aid, Driver, Friendly
- fearless reclaim available if already friendly, take driver
58 (Stargazer) - “Have you ever looked at the sky? Like, really looked?”
- Camper, Light Sleeper, Genius
62 (NightGuard) “What am I doing up at this hour?”
- Light Sleeper, Half Rations, Fighter
64 (Pyro) - “The one nice thing about being taken back to basics is you get more campfires in your life.”
- (None), MacGyver, Artist, (Defenses Expert/Intense Focus) - coded as (Defenses Expert, Artist, Intense Focus)
67 (VaticanNinja) - “Greetings child. How does the Lord find you on this most glorious of days?”
- Devout, Ninja, Fighter
68 (Firefighter) - “I miss the days when the only danger was burning to death. ... Yeah, I was a firefighter.”
- Fast Recovery, Brave, First Aid
75 (NotALizard) - “Yesss? How can I help you massster?”
- Fast Recovery, Ninja, Eccentric
78 (ActualPirate) - “Eh there. ... I’m just happy to have solid ground under my feet again.”
- Tough, Hoarder, Fighter
79 (ProfessionalSkeptic) - “You think you recognized me from before the infection? ... I was a professional skeptic.”
- Skeptic, Born Leader, Driver - TODO: 3rd gives MacGyver when?
82 (StarYoga) - “Hey there friend. Have you stretched this morning? It’s important to stay limber.”
- Pacifist, Artist, Cultist
- Fearless Reclaim available if Pacifist, Artist taken first as a Builder
91 (SanitationWorker) - “Have you seen the state some of these storm drains are in?”
- Stinky, Handyman, Ninja - makes great builder, especially as Kathleen and/or with "ostracized" event giving Stinky[2]
92 (DogBreeder) - “When they tell ya a dog is man’s best friend, they ain’t whistlin’ Dixie."
- Animal Lover, Team Player, (none) - yes, only 2 perks coded
100 (RoadWorker) - “Ey boss, how goes? ... Union rules an’ all...”
- Melee Training, Fast Recovery, Driver
Luddie[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where the Luddie faction is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
24 (Paranoid) - “Hey! You! Yeah, you. You seen any colanders around? Or pots?”
- Eccentric, Former Luddie, Stinky
44 (Aliens) - “You! You’re one of them, aren’t you? AREN’T YOU?!”
- Eccentric, Hoarder, Former Luddie
60 (Vegan) - “You know, it was a lot easier to be a vegan when there was a well-stocked tofu aisle...”
- Good Cook, Resourceful, Former Luddie - makes a stronger and easier Scrapper!
73 (Naturopath) - “How are you doing today? ... stress”
- First Aid, Former Luddie, Intense Focus
84 (LlamaFarmer) - “Sure, these zed are grumpy, but ya ever seen a llama when it’s got its goat up?”
- Animal Lover, Former Luddie, Crafter
95 (Wiccan) - “Everyone’s energy has been particularly black this month. ... I’m a practicing Wicca,”
- (none), (Born Leader/Camper), Former Luddie - coded as (Born Leader, Camper, Luddie)
St. Michaels[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where the St. Michaels School for Boys faction is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
7 (Janitor) - “I tell you, it’s a lot nicer here than it was keeping the school clean for those stuck up so and so’s back at St. Michaels.”
- StMichael’s Dropout, First Aid, Handyman
48 (RetiredTeacher) - “You haven’t seen any children around here, have you? I can’t stand children.”
- StMichael’s Dropout, Born Leader, Defenses Expert
57 (LittleLeague) - “Have you seen the sorry lot ‘round here? ... little league coach”
- (none), (Born Leader/StMichael’s Dropout), Team Player - coded as (Born Leader, St Michael's, Team Player)
65 (ChildProtection) - “Have I ever told you about my old buddy Dan? Great guy. We were part of child protection services.”
- Pacifist, Team Player, StMichael’s Dropout
85 (RufusNeighbour) - “You! I know what you’ve been up to. You don’t fool me. ... Dr. Agbayani”
- Light Sleeper, Loner, StMichael’s Dropout
Granville Riffs[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Granville Riffs faction is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
18 (RiffsRival) - “Greetings and honor to you, senpai. ... Nise No Budo”
- (none), (Fighter/Former Riff), Ninja - coded as (Fighter, Riffs, Ninja)
45 (HospitalJanitor) - “I... uhhh... GAH! Don’t sneak up on a person like that! ... The janitor, yes.”
- First Aid, Coward, Former Riff
61 (Samurai) - “Greetings sensei. Myself? I am but a simple swords[man]...”
- (none), (Fighter/Loner), Former Riff - coded as (Fighter, Loner, Riffs)
71 (Electrician) - “Jeez, it’s worse here than any of the ghettos I used to work in.”
- Former Riff, Redecorator, Handyman
80 (MaliksDeciple) [sic] - “There are times I miss the Dojo.”
- (none), (Fighter/Former Riff), Superhero - coded as (Fighter, Riffs, Superhero)
Last Judgment[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Last Judgment Gang is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
3 (AltFashionDesigner) - “I had an alternative clothing store back in the day. ... 6 inch stiletto”
- Redecorator, Handyman, Ex Last Judgment
11 (Biker) - “What I wouldn’t give to get some gas.”
- Driver, Ex Last Judgement, Tough
47 (EscapedConvict) - “I’m just a nobody. ... Get lost.”
- Ex Last Judgment, Fighter, Tough
70 (RadioHost) - “Damn, what I wouldn’t give for some tunes.”
- Musician, Devout, Ex Last Judgement
81 (OGradysValet) - “How do you do sir and/or madam? ... Admittedly, that’s not how my old master, Father O’Grady, would have put it.”
- Devout, Easygoing, Ex Last Judgment
98 (Microbrewer) - “*Burp* ‘Scuse me. The doctors said that they’d cleaned all that yeast bacteria....”
- Good Cook, Light Sleeper, Ex Last Judgment
Rotten[ | ]
There are no Rotten backstories. Recruited Rotten will use the same Backstories as everyone else.
Government[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Government faction is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
5 (MiddleManager) - “Yes, can I help you? ... Dance with Numbers”
- (none), Born Leader, (Defenses Expert/Government Agent) - coded as (Born Leader, Defenses Expert, Government)
8 (Colonel) - "Sir? I was a retired officer prior to my ..."
- Government Agent, Team Player, Brave
22 (HRManager) - “Hi there. How do you do? ... Poncho Corporation.”
- (none), (Born Leader/Team Player), Government Agent - coded as (Born Leader, Team Player, Government)
54 (RightWing) - “Greetings friend. I just wanted to thank you for your immutable hospitality...”
- Preacher, Born Leader, Government Agent
86 (DavisSoldier) - “Ahhh! I mean... Halt! Stand and identify yourself...”
- (none), (Fighter/Government Agent), Coward - coded as (Fighter, Government, Coward)
94 (CustomsOfficer) - “Hey there kids! ... I worked in the customs office.”
- Easygoing, Eccentric, Government Agent
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Dogwood Acres Helpful Ladies In Action Society is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
43 (WomensStudies) - “This is fascinating. ...alpha males in a group of monkeys....”
- Former DAHLIA, Bookworm, Fighter
49 (GetAwayDriver) - “Do I know my way around a car?”
- Driver, Fighter, Former DAHLIA
55 (JailGuard) - “It could be rough being a part-time jail guard at a small detachment.”
- Friendly, Fighter, Former DAHLIA
69 (PrivateEye) - “Yeah, I was a private investigator back in the day.”
- (none), (Fighter/Brave), Former DAHLIA - coded as (Fighter, Brave, Dahlia)
87 (HelensProtestor) - “This place is a mess. ... I was an activist!”
- Former DAHLIA, Fighter, Born leader
Pig Farmers[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Pig Farmers faction is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
26 (Historian) - “I used to be assistant curator of the Imperial Fortenbrass Museum for the Preservation of Culture.”
- Bookworm, Former Pig Farmer, Genius
46 (FoodScientist) - “Me? I’m a food scientist...”
- Good Cook, Resourceful, Former Pig Farmer - makes a great Scrapper!
56 (ActualPigFarmer) - “*Nods* How do? Me? Doin’ fine. Fine. Miss my pig though. ... Bessy-Sue”
- Animal Lover, Former Pig Farmer, Handyman
74 (Trucker) - “I never thought I’d go by having a zombie gnaw on my skull. ... I was a trucker.”
- Driver, Former Pig Farmer, Friendly
83 (JebAndBub) - “Howdy pardner! ... I’m at my happiest when covered in mud.”
- Stinky, Former Pig Farmer, Defenses Expert
Chosen Ones[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Church of The Chosen Ones is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet. Of particular note is that “Former Chosen One” does not necessarily imply “Cultist”, but the two can coexist. “Cultist” backstories can occur on maps where The Church of The Chosen Ones is absent.
9 (Optimist) - “Greetings friend. Is it not a glorious day?”
- Easygoing, Former Chosen One, Preacher
23 (Monastic) - “Greetings child. I am a member of the Monastic Order of the Burning Goat.”
- Preacher, Devout, Former Chosen One
27 (LosesSpouse) - “I miss my husband. _____ was such a sweet guy.”
- Skeptic, Former Chosen One, Resourceful
72 (Squirrels) - “Greetings sibling. Have you heard the word of Nutbrush, her holiness of the fluffy tail?”
- Preacher, Former Chosen One, Animal Lover
96 (RichKid) - “I must say, it is absolutely dreadful being cooped up in here all the time.”
- Pacifist, Coward, Former Chosen One
1337crew[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where the 1337crew faction (pronounced “leet crew”, or “elite crew”) is present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
15 (Decker) - “I miss the days of the net.”
- Skeptic, Former 1337crew, Genius
50 (AssemblyLine) - “Yes, ah... sir... miss... sir... Sorry I... can I help you with something? ... assembly line of electronics”
- (none), (Handyman/Half Rations), Former 1337crew - coded as (Handyman, Half Rations, 1337crew)
59 (InternetTroll) - “What the hell did I do to deserve ending up in a suckass place like this?”
- Coward, Former 1337crew, Loner
66 (IndieMovie) - “What did I do before the dead started trying...? ... I was an independent movie producer.”
- Musician, Resourceful, Former 1337crew
88 (Intersex) - “Listen, let’s get this straight: I identify as...”
- Tough, Crafter, Former 1337crew
93 (IndieGameDeveloper) - “Me? I used to design video games for a living.”
- Skeptic, Former 1337crew, Superhero
Pharmacists[ | ]
These backstories can only begin on survivors in maps where The Pharmacists are present, even if you have not encountered them, yet.
13 (ChemStudent) - “You know, one of the best ways to pay for a chemistry degree....”
- Scholar, Genius, Former Pharmacist
20 (ResearchSubject) - “So... so, so, so... I used to be a research subject, yeah?”
- Intense Focus, Former Pharmacist, (none) - yes, only coded with 2 perks
37 (GrowOp) - “Duuuude. Hey dude. Dude! How ya doin’? ... weight off the mind.”
- Easygoing, Green Thumb, Former Pharmacist
77 (DinerCook) - “You hungry, friend? ... leather shoes ... I used to be a short order cook at a little backwoods diner.”
- Good Cook, Former Pharmacist, Resourceful
89 (MarriageCounselor) - “What did I used to do? Well, I was a marriage counselor.”
- (none), (Born Leader/Easygoing), Former Pharmacist - coded as (Born Leader, Easygoing, Pharmacist)
97 (OnTheRun) - “Hey friend, you’re not one of those government types, are ya?”
- Camper, Former Pharmacist, Fighter
Gustav[ | ]
These backstories contain the perk Friend of Gustav. Gustav is generally present on all maps almost without exception.
41 (FoodForGold) - “Hey there friend, are you tired? Hungry? ... Food for gold!”
- Friend of Gustav, Negotiator, Born Leader
42 (SexWorker) - “Hey sweetie, how are you doing? ... I used to do a lot of work form the bedsheets...”
- Friend of Gustav, Musician, Friendly
63 (CardShark) - “So, what odds give us surviving until tomorrow?”
- Friend of Gustav, Ninja, Intense Focus
76 (FireworksTech) - “What was that? Do I have any special “kills”? ... firecrackers”
- Crafter, Friend of Gustav, Hunter
90 (Hypochondriac) - “Does this look infected to you?”
- Half Rations, Eccentric, Friend of Gustav
- can get fearless reclaim if half-ration & eccentric
- Can also get MacGyver from half-ration
99 (GiantRobot) - “Me? I used to work for a robotics firm.”
- (none), (Genius/Driver), Friend of Gustav - coded as (Genius, Driver, Gustav)
Former Children[ | ]
Sometimes, a 13-year-old child in your fortress will “grow up” on what is supposedly their 14th birthday and be converted from a non-weapon item to a survivor. Their former caretakers automatically unequip, and start off with a positive relationship with, these (now former) children when this happens. These backstories only occur on such former children in your fortress.
103 (Goat1) - “Hi. Well you already know all about me. I was born in a fort like this.... I never flew to France in an airplane or called Australia on a cell phone.”
- Loner, Driver, Camper - can get Scrapper by picking first 2 perks and being Scavenger
104 (Goat2) - “I used to have a pet rabbit when I was younger”
- Animal Lover, Brave, Resourceful
106 (Goat3) - “Well, there isn’t much you don’t know about me already.”
- Friendly, Pacifist, Easygoing
107 (Goat4) - “You know how they say it feels like we’ve been fighting zed since forever?”
- Bookworm, Pacifist, Scholar
108 (Goat5) - “Hi! I’m one of the Gen Z-ers, born post-infection.”
- Skeptic, Tough, Immune